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Church Services

“Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone."
Mark 16:15 (NLT)
We are a diverse community centered on Jesus Christ, seeking to wholly enjoy His grace, faithfully embody His love for one another, and boldly engage our culture with His truth, from our neighborhoods to the nations.
Weekly Scheduled Services


Our church offers a traditional style service schedule with both Sunday Morning, Sunday Night and Wednesday Night services.


We feel that in having multiple services available you can have the most opportunity to attend. In the very busy world of today having a service time that can fit your schedule is important.


Our main sanctuary will seat over 250 people and we have a large fellowship hall for special church events.


We also have a large parking area and overflow parking on our adjoining properties.


Come join us in service! We look forward to meeting you!

​To inquire about any of our services

Sunday School
Sunday School &
Sunday Worship Services


On Sunday mornings we provide services for Adults and Children.


Adults can join in our main worship service in the sanctuary with a worship service and Biblical teaching.


For children K-12 we provide Sunday School classes separately in our fellowship hall next to our main church building.


We strive to instruct children in God's Word on a level they can understand and grow spiritually. ​Activities and light refreshments are provided to these classes.



​To inquire about any of our services

Bible Lesson
Wednesday Evening
Bible Study


On Wednesday Nights we hold prayer and Bible study in our main sanctuary.


Come join us for deeper learning of the Word of God. We cover many areas of interest from the Genesis account of creation to in-depth study of the Book of Revelation and the return of Christ Jesus.


We look forward to seeing your there!


​To inquire about any of our services

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